You can use readiness control to confirm that a product, version, or variant is ready to be used in transactions before it is activated.

You set up product readiness control in the engineering product types.

To define the readiness control, you can use these types of checks:

  • System check 
  • This check is automatically run if you validate the released product. If one of these checks fails, you must manually define the missing settings. You again must validate the released product and if the settings are defined properly, the system checks are completed automatically and set to Passed.
  • Manual check 
    You must manually do the check.
  • Checklist 

    You must define a questionnaire. A checklist check is completed on successfully completing the related questionnaire. You can add as many manual checks as required. Because a questionnaire is local, you can only define manual checks for single companies.

System checks

These system checks are available:

  • Cost prices - Checks whether an active cost price exists for the released product.
  • Bar codes - Checks whether a bar code is defined for the released product.
  • Warehouse items - Checks if a warehouse item exists for the released product.
  • GTIN codes - Checks whether a GTIN code is defined for the released product.
  • Engineering version route - Checks whether the released engineering version has an active and approved route for the current date.
  • Released product route - Checks whether the released product has an active and approved route for the current date.
  • BOM - Checks whether the released product has an active and approved BOM for the current date.
  • External item description (Purchasing) - Checks whether an external item description for use in purchase is defined for the released product.
  • External item description (Sales) - Checks whether an external item description for use in sales is defined for the released product.
  • Commission calculation - Checks if sales commission is calculated for the released product.

Manual checks

These manual checks are available:

  • Default order settings: 
    Checks if all the default order settings exist for the released product.
  • Trade agreements (Purchase): 
    Checks whether the purchasing trade agreements exist for the released product.
  • Trade agreements (Sales): 
    Checks whether sales trade agreements exist for the released product.

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