If you manage engineering-controlled products in an engineering company, you release the products to logistical companies. You can use release control to make the product release specific for each logistical company.
On the engineering product type, you can define how a product is released from the engineering company to logistical companies.
You can release products to companies that are not defined in the release control of an engineering product type. If you do so, no specific settings are taken into account.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Product engineering > Setup > Engineering product type.
2. In the list, find and select the desired record.
3. Expand the Release control section.
4. Click Add.
5. Define the target company for the release control rule.
  In the Company accounts ID field, enter or select a value.
6. If several release control rules are set up for the same company, use the priority to define which rule must be used. The rule with the highest priority is applied. Its filter is checked for matching criteria. If the filter criteria match with the product that is released, the template item of the rule is applied to the released product in the target company. If the filter does not match, the filter of the rule with the next highest priority is checked.
The lower the value, the higher the priority. For example, priority 1 goes before priority 2.
  In the Priority field, enter a number.
7. The template item from which the field data for the released product is copied. Also, this related data, as defined for the template item, is copied to the released product:
- Default and site-specific order settings
- Dimension group relations
- Item group relations
- Warehouse settings
- Sourcing information
- Item model group relations
- Purchase, sales, and inventory specific settings
  In the Template item field, enter or select a value.
8. You can have additional BOM lines added to the BOM of a released product. To do so, as template BOM, define a BOM of the target company. On release, the lines of this target company BOM are added to the BOM of the released product.
Example: In the engineering company, product 1 has a BOM with lines for product A and product B. The template BOM has lines for product C and product D. After release of product 1, in the target company, its BOM has lines for products A, B, C, and D. Note: You can only apply a template BOM if the Receive BOM check box is selected.
  In the Template BOM field, enter or select a value.
9. You can have additional route lines added to the route of a released product. To do so, as template route, define a route of the target company. On release, the lines of this target company route are added to the route of the released product. Note: You can only apply a template route if Receive route check box is selected.
  In the Template route field, enter or select a value.
10. By default, the product effectivity dates are copied from the engineering company to the logistical company.
You can choose to not copy the effectivity dates.
  Clear the Copy Effectivity check box.

Note: If you not copy the effectivity dates, you can also not copy the BOM activation and route activation.

11. You can release the product BOM to the logistical company as well. If so, the BOM is created in the logistical company. All BOM components that do not exist as released products in the logistical company are also created.
  Select the Receive BOM check box.
12. You can copy the BOM approval status to the logistical company.
  Select the Copy BOM approval check box.
13. You can copy the BOM activation status to the logistical company.
  Select the Copy BOM activation check box.

Note: You can only copy the BOM activation if the effectivity dates are also copied.

14. You can release the route to the logistical company as well. If so, the route is created in the logistical company.
  Select the Receive route check box.
15. You can copy the route approval status to the logistical company.
  Select the Copy route approval check box.
16. You can copy the route activation status to the logistical company.
  Select the Copy route activation check box.

Note: You can only copy the route activation if the effectivity dates are also copied.

17. You can revise an existing product using an engineering change order. When you do so, you can choose to also update the product in your logistical companies if it exists there. Select this check box if product revisions must be automatically released to the logistical company when an existing product is processed in an engineering change order in the engineering company. This is only applied if a user workflow is used.
Example: Company A is your engineering company. Companies B and C are logistical companies. Product 1 : : : V-01 exists in companies A, B, and C. You make a revision using an engineering change order in your engineering company (A). If this check box is selected, Product 1 : : : V-02 is released in companies A, B, and C.
  Select the Auto release check box.
18. Sub-task: Set filter.
  18.1 Set the filter to check for criteria in the product data when a product is released. For example: you can filter on the first letters or digits of an item number. If set to A1*, each item with an ID starting with A1 (like A10001 or A12345) get the item template applied that is assigned to the release control rule.
  Click Edit filter.
  18.2 Click Add.
  18.3 In the Table field, enter or select a value.
  18.4 In the Derived table field, enter or select a value.
  18.5 In the Field field, enter or select a value.
  18.6 In the Criteria field, type a value.
  18.7 Click OK.
19. Close the page.

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