Project transactions can come from several sources. For example, accounts payable and timesheets are common sources of project costs. Any transaction that is posted on a project is included in the Create indirect cost expense journal process.

Project accountant Project accountant Manages the accounting transactions as related to projects to which they are assigned, ensuring the data that posts to the project is correct and within the rules for that contract/project. Start Start Accounts payable  transactions Accounts payable  transactions Start Start Expense Expense Start Start Time collection system Time collection system How to create  indirect cost journal? How to create  indirect cost journal? Create indirect cost journal (batch) Create indirect cost journal (batch) You can create indirect cost expense journals for all projects. You can set it up to run as a recurring batch. Procedure 1. Go to Project management and accounting > Periodic > Government contracting > Create indirect cost expense journal. 2. In the Cost pool ID field, enter or select a value. 3. In the Project ID field, enter or select a value. 4. In the Project contract ID field, enter or select a value. 5. In the Quotation field, enter or select a value. 6. Click OK. Create indirect cost journal (project) Create indirect cost journal (project) You can create indirect cost expense journals for a single project. Note: You can also do this at a project contract level. Procedure 1. Go to Project management and accounting > Projects > All projects. 2. In the list, find and select the desired project. 3. On the Action Pane, click Plan. 4. Click Create indirect cost expense journal. 5. In the Cost pool ID field, enter or select a value. 6. In the Project contract ID field, enter or select a value. 7. In the Quotation field, enter or select a value. 8. Click OK. Post indirect cost journal  Post indirect cost journal  When created, you can post indirect cost journals. If on the Project management and accounting parameters, on the Government contracting tab, the Post indirect cost expense journal field is set to Yes, indirect cost expense journals are posted automatically after creation. Procedure 1. Go to Project management and accounting > Projects > All projects. 2. On the Action Pane, click Project. 3. Click Expense. 4. Click Lines. 5. Click Post. 6. Click Post. End End Are indirect cost journals  posted automatically? Are indirect cost journals  posted automatically? Batch Project No Yes


Name Responsible Description

Accounts payable  transactions

Project accountant

Accounts payable transactions are those posted within the accounts payable module. 


Project accountant

Project expense transactions can come from:

  • Employee expense reports
  • Expense journal

Time collection system

Project accountant

Time collection systems provide labor hour transaction postings.

Project hour transactions can come from:

  • D365 FO project timesheet
  • External timesheet collection system
  • Hour journal

Create indirect cost journal (batch)

Project accountant

You can create indirect cost expense journals for all projects. You can set it up to run as a recurring batch.

Create indirect cost journal (project)

Project accountant

You can create indirect cost expense journals for a single project. Note: You can also do this at a project contract level.

Post indirect cost journal 

Project accountant

When created, you can post indirect cost journals. If on the Project management and accounting parameters, on the Government contracting tab, the Post indirect cost expense journal field is set to Yes, indirect cost expense journals are posted automatically after creation.

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