On import of purchase confirmations, you can have the purchase orders automatically confirmed. You can only do so, if you import the purchase confirmations via the EDI purchase order journal (staging journal).

This topic explains the setup that is required to automatically confirm purchase orders. You must define settings that apply to the import of the purchase confirmation:
  • To the staging journal.
  • From the staging journal to the Purchase orders table.
Import vendor EDI purchase confirmation to the staging journal
You can receive a purchase confirmation from your vendor, with the 'Purchase - XML to EDI confirmation' tutorial message or your own message. This message imports the confirmation into the EDI purchase order journal.
To automatically confirm purchase orders, make sure:
  • The target document ('Purchase - Confirmation' tutorial document) of this message has at least these settings:
    • Type (Header): Staging
    • Journal table (Header): BisEdiStagingPurchOrder
    • Record (Lines): BisEdiPurchaseJour (record table)
    • Fields (Lines): AutoConfirm
  • On the message, on the mapping of the BisEdiPurchaseJour record, the AutoConfirm field is added with these settings:
    • Constant check box selected
    • Constant value: Yes
Import purchase confirmation from the staging journal to Purchase orders table in D365 FO
You can import EDI purchase order confirmations from the EDI purchase order journal into the Purchase orders table with the 'Purchase - EDI confirmation to Order' tutorial message or your own message.
To automatically confirm purchase orders, make sure, that on the:
  • Target document (Header), the 'BisDocumentAxPurchaseOrderAutoConfirm' handler is selected.
  • Message (Header), the Transaction level is 'Documents'.

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