To be able to process a message, an applicable document flow and its related setup must exist. The moment the applicable document flow and setup is checked, is defined by inbound messages process and outbound messages process.
If you exchange EDI messages with 3PL warehouses, in the search for the applicable document flow, the warehouse is the key. The document flow must have the account code 'Warehouse'. So, in this case, the origin is not used.
This diagram shows the document flow search process for 3PL warehouse EDI messages.

Document flow search Document flow search Inbound: A running message  checks if applicable setup exists Inbound: A running message  checks if applicable setup exists Outbound:  Search applicable message  before a journal is added to  the Outbound message queue Outbound:  Search applicable message  before a journal is added to  the Outbound message queue Warehouse exists? Warehouse exists? Warehouse has  party setup? Warehouse has  party setup? Document flow  exists for  warehouse? Document flow  exists for  warehouse? Direction? Direction? Inbound:  Message continues and  processes the data Inbound:  Message continues and  processes the data Outbound:  Journal added to  Outbound message queue  with the applicable document flow message Outbound:  Journal added to  Outbound message queue  with the applicable document flow message Error Error Outbound:  A running message  checks if applicable setup exists Outbound:  A running message  checks if applicable setup exists Outbound:  Message continues and  processes the data Outbound:  Message continues and  processes the data Yes No Yes No Yes No Inbound Outbound


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