Before you start using Connectivity studio, set up the Connectivity studio parameters.

Define parameters for the:

  • Applicable environment.
  • File storage that is used for the environment.
  • Version management of Connectivity studio projects.
  • Connectivity studio history reporting.
  • Data synchronization log processing.
  • ODBC Service bus.
  • Outbound web services queue.

Standard procedure

1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design.
2. Click Connectivity studio parameters.
3. Sub-task: Set environment parameters.
  3.1 Set the environment parameters on the General tab:
- Environment types
- Description
The environment type only applies to connectors of type:
- Database
- Azure file storage
- Blob storage
- SharePoint
- Service Bus queue
You can export connectivity setup and import it in another D365 FO environment. For example, you first set up and test the connectivity setup in a development environment. When finished, you deploy the setup in your production environment.
To strictly distinguish between different environments, you can define unique connector properties for each of your environment types.
Which properties are applicable to the current environment is defined in the Environment type parameter
  In the Environment types field, select an option.

Note: For example, if the Environment type parameter is set to Development, the connector properties, as defined for entity type Development are applicable.

  3.2 Enter a descriptive name of the current environment. Usually, the environment name is used.
This description is used on check in/out. So, in project version management, a descriptive name is shown instead of the GUID that is shown in the Environment ID field.
  In the Description field, type a value.
4. Sub-task: Set file storage parameters.
  4.1 Set the file storage parameters on the General tab:
- Windows share
- Operator name
- Password
Enter the UNC path to the applicable Azure file share or Windows folder.
  In the Windows share field, type a value.

Note: You can only use a Windows folder if it has access control with a user and password defined.

  4.2 Enter the user name to be used to access the Azure file share or Windows folder.
To access an Azure file share, the user name is the name of the applicable Azure Storage Account.
  In the Operator name field, type a value.
  4.3 Define the password or the password reference to access the Azure file share or Windows folder. Whether the password or password reference applies is defined by the Display secret field in the Connectivity studio parameters.
If the Display secret parameter is set to:
- Secret, fill in the Password field with the desired password or access key. The password or access key is specific for the current connector.
- Secret reference, fill in the Password reference field with the desired secret reference. The password reference refers to a centrally stored password or access key which makes updating secrets easier.
- Both, fill in either the Password field or the Password reference field.
  In the Password hash field, or in the Password reference field, type a value.

Note: To access an Azure file share, the password is the key, or the password reference refers to the key of the applicable Azure Storage Account.

  4.4 You can define how to manage secrets in Connectivity studio. This secret management setup applies to:
- Azure storage setup (Connectivity studio parameters)
- Database connector
- Azure file storage connector
- File actions (Azure file storage connector)
- Blob storage connector
- SharePoint connector
- Service Bus queue connector
- Web service application (Project)
- Web service action attributes
Select one of these options:
- Secret: Only the 'secret' field is shown. Depending on the connector and settings, this can be one of these fields: Password, Client secret, Consumer secret, or Policy key.
- Secret reference: Only the 'secret reference' field is shown. The secret reference refers to a centrally stored secret which makes updating secrets easier.
- Both, you can fill in either the 'secret' field or the 'secret reference' field. Only use this option during a transition phase from using a secret to using a secret reference.
  In the Display secret field, select an option.
  4.5 If you have set the file storage parameters, you can test the connection to the file storage.
  Click Test connection.
5. Sub-task: Set import and export parameters.
  5.1 Click the Import and Export tab.
  5.2 You can export project configurations from Connectivity studio. To define which settings are included in the export, you can choose from these options:
- All: The full project configuration is exported, including the not encrypted secrets.
- Encrypt environment secrets: The full project configuration is exported, but the secrets are encrypted. To encrypt the secrets, you must define an encryption key in the Connectivity studio parameters.
- Skip environment properties: The project configuration is exported except for the environment-specific properties of connectors and webservice actions. On import, the environment-specific properties are not overwritten.
  In the Export options field, select an option.

Note: With regards to the export of secrets, only the locally stored secrets are exported. So, this only applies if the Display secret parameter is set to 'Secret' or 'Both'.

  5.3 You can set or change the encryption key.
The encryption key is used to:
- Encrypt the locally stored secrets on export of a project configuration. This is only applied if the Export option parameter is set to 'Encrypt environment secrets'.
- Encrypt the secrets of the secret references. This is only applied if the Display secret parameter is set to 'Secret reference' or 'Both'. If no encryption key is defined, the secrets of the secret references are not encrypted.
  Click Change encryption key.

Note: This encryption key is not used to encrypt the secrets of the secret references when you export or import secret references.

  5.4 In the Encryption key field, type a value.
  5.5 Click OK.
  5.6 On setting or changing the encryption, all secrets of the secret references are:
1. Decrypted with the previous encryption key.
2. Encrypted with the new encryption key.
3. Stored encrypted in the secret references.
  Click Yes.
  5.7 You can show the encryption key in the message bar.
  Click Show encryption key.
6. Sub-task: Set version management parameters.
  6.1 Click the Version management tab.
  6.2 You can activate version management for projects. If active, you can add projects to version management. So, version management is only applicable for the projects that you added to version management.
  Select Yes in the Active field.
  6.3 If version management is active, define the folder where the version files are stored. This is a folder in the file share as defined in the Windows share field.
Make sure, the folder exists in the file share.
  In the Shared path field, type a value.

Note: For version management, to work properly, the file share and Shared path must be the same for all environments between which project versions must be synchronized.

  6.4 To analyze a project, you can create a Microsoft Word document based on the project. A summary of the project setup and related components setup is added to the document. You can use the document to review the setup.
Define the applicable Microsoft Word template.
  In the Microsoft Word template field, enter or select a value.

Note: Before you define the Microsoft Word template, download the Connectivity studio Documentation Template.dotx template. Move the downloaded template to the path as defined in the Connectivity studio parameters, in the Version management section, in the Shared path field.

7. Sub-task: Set history reporting parameters.
  7.1 Click the Error handling tab.
  7.2 You can have a report created in Microsoft Excel format that contains the errors that occurred during a message run. You can, for example, use this to inform the sender of data on the errors. The report is created when the message run is finished. You can indicate this on the message header, in the Create history report in Microsoft Excel field.
Define the folder in which the reports are stored. This is a folder in the file share as defined in the Windows share field.
Make sure, the folder exists in the file share.
  In the History report path field, type a value.
  7.3 The name of the history report is composed in this way: Message [message name]_[number sequence].
Define the number sequence that is used for the history report name.
  In the Report number sequence field, enter or select a value.
  7.4 You can set up alerts to notify the responsible persons when errors occurred during message runs or web service action runs.
For an environment, you can block alerts from being sent.
  Select Yes in the Skip alerts field.
8. Sub-task: Set finance-related parameters.
  8.1 Click the Finance tab.

You can indicate whether and how financial dimensions are validated when the mapping is applied during a message run.

  • Ignore: The financial dimensions are not validated
  • Custom: The financial dimensions, account structures, and advanced rules are validated. When an error is found, validation continues. The validation stops when all financial dimensions, account structures, and advanced rules are validated, or when further validation doesn't make sense. The found errors are logged in the message run history.
  • Standard: The financial dimensions, account structures, and advanced rules are validated. When the first error is found, the validation stops. The error is logged in the message run history.
  In the Connectivity studio Financial dimension validation field, select an option.


The financial dimension validation, as done for options 'Custom' and 'Standard':

  • Is time consuming.
  • Only applies to record mappings for the LedgerJournalTrans table.

9. Sub-task: Set synchronization parameters.
  9.1 Click the Synchronization tab.
  9.2 This field shows the latest date and time on which the data synchronization log is processed. Each time the data synchronization log is processed, this date/time is updated automatically.
You can change the date/time, to reprocess the data synchronization log from the changed date/time.
  In the Last run field, enter a date and time.
  9.3 When processing the data synchronization log, you can make sure that only logged events are processed for which editing of the related record is fully finished. To do so, you can define the number of minutes back for which logged events are not processed. Only the events are processed that are logged before the current processing date/time minus the defined number of minutes.
Current processing date/time: 3/1/2022 11:05:07 AM
Synchronization delay: 10 minutes
Only the events that are logged before 3/1/2022 10:55:07 AM are processed.
  In the Synchronization delay (minutes) field, enter a number.
  9.4 For testing purposes, you can limit the number of records that are added to the outbound queue, when triggered by one change.
For example, when a customer group is changed, all related customers are marked as changed as well. To prevent from all customers being added to the outbound queue as changed, you can define a maximum number of allowed changes. When the maximum number is reached, no further customers are added to the outbound queue.
  In the Max changes allowed field, enter a number.

Note: This parameter applies to all records in the data synchronization log.

10. Sub-task: Set service bus parameters.
  10.1 Click the Service Bus tab.
  10.2 For the ODBC service bus, you can set a timeout time. If, on export or import, the service bus takes more than the specified time, the service bus is stopped, and you get a timeout error message. The timeout time is expressed in seconds.
  In the Timeout field, enter a number.

Note: The maximum timeout you can set is 230 seconds.

11. Sub-task: Set web services parameter.
  11.1 Click the Web Services tab.
  11.2 You can define the maximum number of retries that is allowed when processing a web service action outbound queue record fails.
If an outbound queue record for a web service action has run with errors, the maximum number of retries is checked. If the maximum number of retries is:
- Not reached, the outbound queue record gets the status New. The next time the outbound queue is processed, the record is processed again.
- Reached, the outbound queue gets the status Error.
  In the Max. automatic retries of web services field, enter a number.
12. Sub-task: Set up Data quality studio integration.
  12.1 You can apply data quality policy rules on import of data into D365 FO with a Connectivity studio message.

For more information, refer to Apply data quality rules on data import with Connectivity studio.

  Click the Data quality studio tab.

Note: The Data quality studio integration setup in Connectivity studio is only available if Data quality studio is installed on the same D365 FO environment as Connectivity studio.

  12.2 To apply data quality policy rules on import of data with Connectivity studio, select Yes in the Enable Data quality integration field.

Note: To apply data quality policy rules on data import, also indicate which rule types must be applied. To do so, on the data import message, on the Header view, in the Data quality studio section, select the desired rule types.

13. Close the page.
Related to Notes

Set up secret references


See also

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