You can create a copy of a message. For example, to troubleshoot a failing message that is already in operation, you can copy the message. So, you do not disrupt the operational data.

Standard procedure

1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design.
2. On the Message tab, in the list, find and select the desired message.
3. Click Edit.
4. Click Copy.
5. You can create the message copy in another project. For example, create the message copy in a testing project.
  In the Project field, enter or select a value.
6. In the New name field, type the name for the message copy.
7. By default, also a copy is created of the source document and target document of the message.
To use the documents of the original message for the message copy as well, select No.
  In the Copy documents field, select the desired option.
8. If the Copy documents field is set to Yes, define the name for the source document copy.
  In the Source document field, type a value.
9. If the Copy documents field is set to Yes, define the name for the target document copy.
  In the Target document field, type a value.
10. Click OK.

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