You can create a copy of a message. For example, to troubleshoot a failing message that is already in operation, you can copy the message. So, you do not disrupt the operational data.
1. | Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. |
2. | On the Message tab, in the list, find and select the desired message. |
3. | Click Edit. |
4. | Click Copy. |
5. | You can create the message copy in another project. For example, create the message copy in a testing project. |
  | In the Project field, enter or select a value. |
6. | In the New name field, type the name for the message copy. |
7. | By default, also a copy is created of the source document and target document of the message. To use the documents of the original message for the message copy as well, select No. |
  | In the Copy documents field, select the desired option. |
8. | If the Copy documents field is set to Yes, define the name for the source document copy. |
  | In the Source document field, type a value. |
9. | If the Copy documents field is set to Yes, define the name for the target document copy. |
  | In the Target document field, type a value. |
10. | Click OK. |