During a message run, you can use mapping variables to store values. You can write (calculated) values to a mapping variable, and later during the message run, read the value from the mapping variable. You can use mapping variables across records.

The mapping variable values are only stored during the message run. When the message run is finished, the mapping variable values are deleted.

During a message run, to:

  • Write a mapping variable, on a field mapping, define the mapping variable as target variable, instead of using a target field. To set the mapping variable value, you can use several field mapping options, for example, a constant value, a custom expression, or a source field value. You can also use mapping variables on custom methods.
  • Read a mapping variable, on a field mapping, define the target field to be filled with the mapping variable value. Instead of a source field, use the Variable field options to define the mapping variable which value must be used to set the target field value.
  • Read a mapping variable for use in a custom expression, for the custom expression, create a variable with the Mapping variable field filled.

Standard procedure

1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design.
2. On the Message tab, in the list, find and select the desired message.
3. Click Edit.
4. On the Action Pane, click Design.
5. Click Mapping variable.
6. Click New.
7. In the Name field, type a value.
8. Define the data type of the value that is stored in the mapping variable.
Only these types are supported:
- String
- Integer
- Real
- Date
- Enum
- UtcDateTime
- Int64
  In the Data type field, select an option.
9. Close the page.
10. If you have created mapping variables for a message, on the Message (details) page, on the Field mapping tab, these fields are added:
- Target variable
- Variable
  To show the mapping variable fields, refresh the page.


You can use mapping variables instead of calculations.

See also

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