For an Azure file storage connector, you can connect to an Azure file share. To access the Azure file share, you can mount the Azure file share.

For most connectors, when a message is run, a connection is made only for the run. After the run the connection ends. However, for an Azure file storage connection with a mounted Azure file share, the connection stays, independent of messages run.
When a related message is run or the connection is tested, a check is done, and an error can occur if something has changed. For example, the connector username or password is changed. In this case, the mounted connection to the Azure file share is no longer valid. To reset the mounting, first remove the connection (see steps). The next time, a related message is run, or the connection is tested, the mounting is restored, for example with the proper username or password.
Usually, messages are run in batch. If you run a message in batch, you can use a batch group to direct a batch task to another server. If a message runs on another server, the connection also stays on the other server. In case of an error or change, this connection is no longer valid. So also, the connection on the other servers must be removed.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Connectivity studio > Periodic > Cleanup > Remove connections.
2. In the Connector field, enter or select the connector for which you want to remove the connection.
3. Sub-task: Define batch settings.
  3.1 If you use batch groups to direct batch tasks to other servers, also remove the connector connection from these other servers.
  Expand the Run in the background section.
  3.2 Select Yes in the Batch processing field.
  3.3 In the Batch group field, enter or select the batch group that is used to direct batch tasks to other servers.

Note: Make sure to remove the connection from each of the available other servers to which batch tasks are directed.

  3.4 Click OK.


  • You can only use one username and password combination to connect to an Azure Storage account. So, on all connectors that connect to the same Azure Storage account, the same username and password must be used.
  • You can also remove the connection for a specific connector from the Connector page. To do so, on the Action Pane, on the Development tab, click Remove connections.
  • Be careful, removing the connection. Only do so when a connection error occurs. Removing a connection can disrupt running processes in batch jobs.
  • Another way to restore the mounting to the Azure file share is to restart the D365 FO environment. However, usually, this is not acceptable in a production environment.

See also

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