Use inbound definitions when you receive EDI message files from the AS2 web app.

Set up an inbound definition of type Fixed text to move files with defined start positions and lengths for fields from the general storage location to a specific storage location.

To determine which file distribution definition applies, this data must be read from the file:

  • Type: The EDI message type of the data in the file. For example, 'Order' or 'Invoice'.
  • Recipient: The data in the file that indicates to which company in D365 FO the data must be imported.


Fixed text file content example:


Example of setup that can be applied to get the customer ID (US-027):

Field Setting
Record separator /r/n
Identification (recipient) ORDER
Start position (recipient) 11
Field length (recipient) 6

Standard procedure

1. Click Connectivity studio EDI integration design.
2. Click Projects.
3. On the Action Pane, click Design.
4. Click Inbound definition.
5. Click New.
6. The sequence number defines in which sequence the inbound definitions are run. The inbound definition with the lowest sequence number is run first.
  In the Sequence field, enter a number.
7. Enter a meaningful name for the inbound definition.
  In the Name field, type a value.
8. Define the type of file to which the inbound definition applies.
  In the Document type field, select 'Fixed text'.
9. Define the connector for the inbound definition. The connector connects to the general storage location from where the EDI files must be distributed. For mandatory inbound definitions, the connector also defines the error location to which files are moved that cannot be processed.
  In the Connector field, enter or select a value.
10. You can define a filter to only select specific files when the inbound definition is run. The read filter is applied to the file name. Example: To only select Fixed text files with order information, you can set the read filter to 'Order*.txt'.
  In the Read filter field, type a value.

- Applying a read filter is only useful if the files, as stored in the general storage location, have a name with specific information, such as the subject of the file.
- If you do not define a read filter, all files in the general storage location are considered.

11. You can make an inbound definition mandatory. If for a mandatory inbound definition, a file cannot be processed, the file is moved to the error location of the connector.
Example: You have three inbound definitions defined to process files of type Fixed text. As defined by the sequence, you can make the last run Fixed text inbound definition mandatory. Consequently, if a file cannot be processed by any of the Fixed text inbound definitions, something is wrong.
  In the Mandatory field, select the desired option.
12. Sub-task: Set up search definition.
  12.1 Define from where in the file to get the:
- Type: The EDI message type of the data in the file. For example, 'Order' or 'Invoice'.
- Recipient: The data in the file that indicates the applicable company in D365 FO.
This information is used to determine the applicable file distribution definition.
  Expand the Search definition section.
  12.2 In the Record separator field, define the applicable record separator.

Note: Usually, the record separator (/r/n) is not shown in the Text file.

  12.3 In the Identification field, define the record identification for the field with the EDI message type identification.
  12.4 In the Type start position field, enter the position number where the EDI message type information starts.

Note: The identification is included in the position numbering.

  12.5 In the Type field length field, enter the number of positions of the EDI message type identification.
  12.6 In the Identification field, define the record identification for the field with the recipient-related identification information.
  12.7 In the Recipient start position field, enter the position number where the recipient-related information starts.

Note: The identification is included in the position numbering.

  12.8 In the Recipient field length field, enter the number of positions of the recipient-related identification.
13. Sub-task: Set up file distribution definition.
  13.1 Expand the Definition section.
  13.2 Click New.
  13.3 Define the EDI message type to which the file distribution definition applies. For example, 'Order' or 'Invoice'.
On running the inbound definition, the applicable type is read from the file that is received from the AS2 web app.
  In the Type found field, type a value.
  13.4 Define the company to which the file distribution definition applies.
On running the inbound definition, the applicable company is read from the file that is received from the AS2 web app.
  In the Receiver company field, enter or select a value.
  13.5 To distribute the files from the general storage location to the specific storage locations, a message is used.
The message is used for two purposes:
- The source connector of the message is used to define the storage location to which the files must be moved.
- The source document of the message is used to rename the files, if the Rename file check box is selected.
  In the Message field, enter or select a value.

- Define the tutorial EDI message that is used to process the files from the specific storage location.
- The message is not run when the inbound definition is run.

  13.6 You can have a file renamed when it is moved from the general storage location to the specific storage location. To rename the file, the write settings are applied of the source document of the defined message.
  Select the Rename file check box.
14. Sub-task: Enable inbound definition.
  14.1 You can disable or enable an inbound definition. For example, you do not want to have an unfinished or untested inbound definition included in the inbound process.
- Enable an inbound definition, select No.
- Disable an inbound definition, select Yes.
  In the Disable field, select the desired option.
Related to Notes

Set up AS2 - Inbound


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