You can create secret references to store secrets at a central place in Connectivity studio. Wherever you need a secret in Connectivity studio, you can use a secret reference.
Benefits of using secret references are:
1. | Go to Connectivity studio > Setup > Secret > Secret reference. |
2. | Sub-task: Create a manual secret reference. |
2.1 | Click New. |
2.2 | In the Secret reference field, type a value. |
2.3 | In the Description field, type a value. |
2.4 | Usually, you use different secret references for different environments. To strictly distinguish between different environments, set up unique secret references for each of your environment types. |
  | In the Environment types field, select an option. |
2.5 | For informational purposes, you can enter the expiry date of the secret. |
  | In the Expiring date field, enter a date. |
2.6 | In the Manual secret field, enter a self-defined secret or password. |
3. | Sub-task: Create a key vault secret reference. |
3.1 | Click New. |
3.2 | In the Secret reference field, type a value. |
3.3 | In the Description field, type a value. |
3.4 | Usually, you use different secret references for different environments. To strictly distinguish between different environments, set up unique secret references for each of your environment types. |
  | In the Environment types field, select an option. |
3.5 | For informational purposes, you can enter the expiry date of the secret. |
  | In the Expiring date field, enter a date. |
3.6 | You can use a key vault as secret of a secret reference. So, the secret reference refers to the key vault.
For more information, refer to Set up the Azure Key Vault client. |
  | Select or clear the Key Vault check box. |
3.7 | Expand the Key Vault section. |
3.8 | In the Name field, enter or select the desired key vault. |
4. | Sub-task: Create a certificate secret reference. |
4.1 | Click New. |
4.2 | In the Secret reference field, type a value. |
4.3 | In the Description field, type a value. |
4.4 | Usually, you use different secret references for different environments. To strictly distinguish between different environments, set up unique secret references for each of your environment types. |
  | In the Environment types field, select an option. |
4.5 | For informational purposes, you can enter the expiry date of the secret. |
  | In the Expiring date field, enter a date. |
4.6 | You can use a private key certificate as secret of a secret reference. |
  | Select or clear the Certificate check box. |
Note: In Connectivity studio, you can only use certificates for SFTP file actions on a Azure file storage connector. |
4.7 | Expand the Certificate section. |
4.8 | Click Upload private key certificate. |
4.9 | On the dialog, click Select private key file. Browse for and select the desired file. |
4.10 | Click OK. |
You can encrypt the secrets of the secret references. To do so, set the Encryption key in the Connectivity studio parameters.