If you use staging in your inbound integration process, the records that you receive are stored in the staging order journal.
These records are validated according to the applicable journal validation setup. If the applicable validation rules are not met, an error or warning is given. Before the records can be processed further, review the errors and warnings and take appropriate actions.
If journal validation errors or warnings are given, you have these options:

  • Solve the errors or warnings.
  • Cancel the records with errors.
  • Accept the records with warnings.
  • Cancel the journal.
You cannot accept staging journals or lines with errors. If you do so, and approve the staging journal, the journal or line with errors is again set to Rejected.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Connectivity studio > Common > Staging > Staging Journals.
2. In the list, click the link of the desired journal type.
3. In the left pane, in the list, click the link of the desired journal.
4. Click Edit.
5. Sub-task: Solve error or cancel record with error.
  5.1 Try to solve the errors that occurred on the records.
If a record error cannot be solved, you can decide to cancel the record.
If the journal is processed further, cancelled records are not considered.
  On the Data tab, in the list, find and select the desired record.
  5.2 In the Approved field, select 'Cancelled'.
6. Sub-task: Solve warning or accept record with warning.
  6.1 Try to solve the warnings that occurred on the records.
If a record warning cannot be solved or is not an issue, you can decide to accept the record.
If the journal is processed further, accepted records are processed.
  On the Data tab, in the list, find and select the desired record.

Note: You can also accept all record warnings in one go. To do so, on the Data tab, click 'Accept all warnings'.

  6.2 In the Approved field, select 'Accepted'.
7. Sub-task: Cancel journal.
  7.1 Usually, you first try to solve the errors and warnings that occurred.
If errors and warnings cannot be solved, you can decide to cancel the journal.
  In the Journal status field, select 'Cancelled'.
8. Close the page.
9. Close the page.

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