If no message is assigned to data that you received from a Service Bus dead letter queue (Received status = Invalid), you must adjust or add Service Bus search definitions for dead letter data. If you have done so, you can retry to assign messages to the received dead letter data records without a message assigned.

On reassign, for all received dead letter data records without a message, a matching search definition is searched for. If a matching search definition is found:
  • The message and company, as defined for the search definition, are assigned to the received dead letter data record.
  • The received dead letter data record status is set to 'New'.
You can reassign messages:
  • Automatically
  • Manually

Standard procedure

1. Go to Connectivity studio > Inquiries > Service Bus queue > Received dead letter data.
2. Sub-task: Reassign messages automatically.
  2.1 On the Action Pane, click Operation.
  2.2 Click Reassign.
3. Sub-task: Assign message manually.
  3.1 Click Edit.
  3.2 In the list, find and select the desired record.
  3.3 In the Message field, enter or select a value.
4. Close the page.

See also

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