Create an Azure Logic App that serves as outbound web service for D365 FO. For more information, refer to Azure Logic Apps documentation.

You can, for example, create a logic app that posts files to OneDrive.

Standard procedure

1. In Microsoft Azure, Logic Apps, create a logic app and call it "PostFromD365".
2. Open the created logic app and go to the Logic app designer.
3. Select the trigger 'When a HTTP request is received'.
4. To this trigger, add the Method parameter and select, and select 'POST'.
5. Add a new step to the workflow to create a file in OneDrive (for Business). Sign in to OneDrive and fill in the fields.

Note: For example, as file name, use 'custgroup.json', and as file content, use Body.

6. Save the logic app workflow.
7. When the workflow is saved, the HTTP Post URL is created for the 'When a HTTP request is received' trigger.
  Copy the first part of the HTTP Post URL (https://[...] to the Base URL field of the web service application, as defined for the 'Tutorial - Logic App' project in D365 FO.
8. Copy the second part of the HTTP Post URL to the Resource field of the outbound web service action 'Post to Logic App'.

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