For a document of type Staging, for each document record, you can set up the display options for the related staging journal.

Use the display options to define which fields of the record are shown and editable on the Data tab of the staging journal.

Standard procedure

1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design.
2. Click the Documents tab.
3. In the list, find and select the desired document of type Staging.
4. Click Edit.
5. On the ActionPane, on the Design tab, click Staging display options.
6. Sub-task: Initialize fields.
  6.1 You can add display fields for all records of the document. As a result, for all document records, the defined fields are added as display fields.
  Click Initialize options.
  6.2 Refresh the page.
7. Sub-task: Select fields.
  7.1 For a selected record, you can select and add several display fields in one go. You can only select fields as defined for the document record.
  In the list, find and select the desired record.
  7.2 Click Select fields.
  7.3 You can select all fields.
  Click Select all.
  7.4 You can undo all field selections.
  Click Deselect all fields.
  7.5 You can manually select fields.
  Select the Selected check box.
  7.6 Click OK.
8. Sub-task: Add field manually.
  8.1 You can manually add a field to be shown on the staging journal.
  Click Add line.
  8.2 In the Record field field, select the desired field to be added.
9. You can indicate which fields are editable in the staging journal.
  Select the Editable check box.
10. You can choose to not show a field on the staging journal.
  Select the Hide check box.
11. Sub-task: Define field display sequence.
  11.1 You can change the sequence in which the fields are shown on the staging journal.
  In the list, find and select the field to be moved up.
  11.2 Click Move up.
  11.3 In the list, find and select the field to be moved down.
  11.4 Click Move down.
12. Close the page.
13. Close the page.

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