You can use the Email file action to exchange files with email. This topic explains how to set up a file action to send files using an SMTP server.
For SMTP, the direction is 'Target'. After the message is run, an email is created using the defined email account, the created file in the Working folder is attached to the email, and the email is sent. The original file stays in the Working folder. If you want to zip the file before sending it by email, do a Zip file action previously to the Email file action. In this case the zipped file is attached to the email.

Standard procedure

1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design.
2. Click the Connectors tab.
3. In the list, find and select the desired connector of type Azure file storage.
4. Click Edit.
5. You can export connectivity setup and import it in another D365 FO environment. For example, you first set up and test the connectivity setup in a development environment. When finished, you deploy the setup in your production environment.
To prevent messing up your production data, use different file locations for your development or testing environment and for your production environment.
To strictly distinguish between different environments, you can define unique file action properties for each of your environment types. So, each file action can have a different set of properties for each applicable environment type.
Which file action properties are applicable to the current environment is defined in the Environment type field on the Connectivity studio parameters. Example: If set to Development, the file action properties, as defined for environment type Development are applicable.
  In the Environment types field, select an option.

Note: For each file action, you can repeat the sub-tasks for each of your environment types. To set the environment-specific properties of a file action, only change the environment type, find the file action, and set the properties. So, do not create a new file action for each environment type.

6. Expand the File action section.
7. Click New.
8. In the Name field, type a value.
9. In the File action field, select 'Email'.
10. Click Save.
11. In the Direction field, select 'Target'.
12. Define the name of the file to be saved from the email to the Working folder. You can use filtering symbols. Example: CustGroup*.txt.
  In the File name field, type a value.
13. You can (temporarily) disable a flow action.
Example: In a test setup, the setup to do the file action is not available. To prevent errors during test runs of the message, you disable the file action. In this way, you do not have to change or delete the file action.
  Select Yes in the Skip field.
14. In the Email sender field, select 'SMTP server'.
15. Click Save.
16. Define the email address that is used to send the email with the attached file.
  In the Email field, type a value.
17. Enter the server name of the SMTP mail server as given by the SMTP server provider. Example:
  In the Host name field, type a value.
18. Define the port to be used for the SMTP server, as advised by the SMTP server provider.
  In the Port field, enter a number.
19. Select the applicable secure socket option as advised by the SMTP server provider:
- None: No SSL or TLS encryption is used.
- Auto: Allow the IMAP mail service to decide which SSL or TLS options to use. If the server does not support SSL or TLS, the connection continues without encryption.
- SSLOnConnect: The connection uses SSL or TLS encryption immediately.
- STARTTLS: Uses the TLS encryption immediately after reading the greeting and capabilities of the server. If the server does not support the STARTTLS extension, the connection fails and a NotSupportedException message is given.
- STARTTLSWhenAvailable: The connection uses TLS encryption immediately after reading the greeting and capabilities of the server, but only if the server supports the STARTTLS extension.
  In the Secure socket Options field, select an option.
20. Define the name that is used to log in to the SMTP server from which the emails with attached files are sent. This can be an account name or email address.
  In the Account name field, type a value.
21. Define the password or password reference that is used to log in to the SMTP server from which the emails with attached files are sent.
Whether the password or password reference applies is defined by the Display secret field in the Connectivity studio parameters.
If the Display secret parameter is set to:
- Secret, fill in the Password field with the desired password. The password is specific for the current file action.
- Secret reference, fill in the Password reference field with the desired secret reference. The password reference refers to a centrally stored password which makes updating secrets easier.
- Both, fill in either the Password field or the Password reference field.
  In the Password field, or in the Password reference field, type a value.
22. Define the email address to which the email with the attached file must be sent.
  In the Send-to address field, type a value.
23. Enter the subject for the email to be sent with the attached file.
  In the Email subject field, type a value.
24. Enter the body text for the email to be sent with the attached file.
  In the Email body field, type a value.
25. Close the page.

See also

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