You can split an EDI inventory order journal with rejected lines. You can, for example, do so to already process the approved lines of the EDI inventory order journal. Later, you can have a look at the rejected lines.
If you split the EDI inventory order journal, a new EDI inventory order journal is created, and the rejected lines are moved to this new journal. The new EDI inventory order journal gets the original journal number with a version number suffix. For example: the original journal number is 'EDI0001', the new journal gets number 'EDI0001-1'.

Standard procedure

1. Go to EDI > Common > EDI inventory order.
2. In the list, find the desired EDI inventory order with journal status Rejected and click the link.
3. If the EDI inventory order journal has both approved and rejected lines, you can split the journal.
  Click Split journal.
4. In the dialog, click OK.
5. Refresh the page to update the lines. Note that all rejected lines are removed.
6. Close the page.
7. Check the newly created EDI inventory order journal. You can recognize it by the original journal number with the suffix '-1'.
  In the list, find the desired EDI inventory order and click the link.
8. Note that this journal only has rejected lines.
  Close the page.
9. Close the page.

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