Use validation rules to check if the data is in line with the defined standards.
To validate data, you can use several validation types. This topic explains how to set up a validation rule of type Data pattern.

Use a data pattern validation rule to validate if a field value matches a defined pattern.
Before you can set up a data pattern validation rule, set up the data pattern to be applied.

Standard procedure

1. Click Data quality management.
2. On the Data quality policies tab, in the list, click the link of the desired data quality policy.
3. On the Validation rules tab, click Add.

Note: If you want to edit another data quality policy version than the currently shown version, first select the desired version. To do so, on the Action Pane, on the Version tab, click Versions. On the dialog, select the desired version and click OK.

4. Define the table of the field which value must be validated.
  In the Table field, enter or select a value.
5. Define the field which value must be validated.
  In the Field field, enter or select a value.

Note: If, on validation, the defined field does not have a value, the data pattern validation rule is not applied.

6. In the Validation type field, select 'Data pattern'.
7. Define when the validation rule is applied:
- Field: The validation rule is applied just before the standard field validation is done.
- Record: The validation rule is applied just before the standard record validation is done.
  In the Event field, select an option.
8. Define what is done if the validation rule is not met:
- Warning: A warning message is shown. The record or the field value is saved.
- Error: An error message is shown. The record or the field value is not saved.
  In the Warning/Error field, select an option.

Note: For each validation rule, you can define a message to be shown. If you do not define a validation rule message, a default message is shown.

9. Sub-task: Set the validation rule properties.
  9.1 Define the data pattern to be applied for the validation rule.
  On the Properties tab, in the Data pattern field, enter or select a value.
10. Close the page.

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