For each data model you can define transformations to be executed automatically before and after the data model is exported.

On data export for a data model, the processing transformations are used to do calculations in the target database. A processing transformation contains one or several SQL statements which define the transformation actions to be done.

You can have processing transformations executed before or after exporting data:

  • Pre-export transformations: Used to do calculations on the metadata in the target database. For example, on enumerations or labels.
  • Post-export transformations: Used to do calculations based on the data that is just exported to the target database.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Data modeling studio > Data modeling studio > Data models.
2. In the list, find and select the desired data model.
3. Click Processing.
4. Sub-task: Add several pre-export transformations at once.
  4.1 In the Pre-processing section, click Add multiple.
  4.2 In the list, find and select the desired transformations.

Note: Only the transformations of category 'Processing' are shown in the list.

  4.3 Click Ok.
5. Sub-task: Add one pre-export transformation.
  5.1 In the Pre-processing section, click Add.
  5.2 In the Template field, enter or select a value.

Note: Only the transformations of category 'Processing' are shown in the lookup.

6. Sub-task: Add several post-export transformations at once.
  6.1 In the Post-processing section, click Add multiple.
  6.2 In the list, find and select the desired transformations.

Note: Only the transformations of category 'Processing' are shown in the list.

  6.3 Click Ok.
7. Sub-task: Add one post-export transformation.
  7.1 In the Post-processing section. click Add.
  7.2 In the Template field, enter or select a value.

Note: Only the transformations of category 'Processing' are shown in the lookup.

8. Sub-task: Define sequence of pre- and post- export transformations.
  8.1 Define the sequence in which the pre- and post-export transformations are applied.
  To move a transformation one position up, in the Pre-processing section or Post-processing section, select a transformation, and click Up.

Note: You can also manually set the sequence in the Order field.

  8.2 To move a transformation one position up, in the Pre-processing section or Post-processing section, select a transformation, and click Down.

Note: You can also manually set the sequence in the Order field.

9. Click OK.
10. Close the page.


You can apply transformations without exporting the data model. To do so, on the Select processing dialog, to apply:

  • A selection of pre-export transformations, in the Pre-processing section, select the transformations, and click Apply selected.
  • All defined pre-export transformations, in the Pre-processing section, click Apply all.
  • A selection of post-export transformations, in the Post-processing section, select the transformations, and click Apply selected.
  • All defined post-export transformations, in the Post-processing section, click Apply all.

Related to Notes

Process data export


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