To each data set or data entity, as added to a data model, you can apply filters to limit the data that is exported.

You can apply these filters:

  • Legal entity: By default, data is exported from all legal entities in the current environment. If you want to only export data for one or several legal entities, you can filter on these legal entities.
  • Created date/time: By default, on data export, all records are considered for export, regardless of the created date/time of these records. You can apply created date/time filters to only export records that are created:
    • After a specific date/time: Only define the Start date/time.
    • Before a specific date/time: Only define the End date/time.
    • In a specific period: Define both the Start date/time and the End date/time.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Data modeling studio > Data modeling studio > Data models.
2. In the list, click the link of the desired data model.
3. Click Edit.
4. Expand the Dataset section.
5. Sub-task: Filter by legal entity.
  5.1 Click Cross filtering to open the drop dialog.
  5.2 In the Legal Entities field, enter or select the desired legal entities.
  5.3 Click Ok.
6. Sub-task: Filter by created date/time.
  6.1 Click Cross filtering to open the drop dialog.
  6.2 You can define the created date/time from which records are exported.
  In the Start date/time field, enter a date and time.
  6.3 You can define the created date/time till which records are exported.
  In the End date/time field, enter a date and time.
  6.4 Click Ok.
Related to Notes

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