For each data entry workflow template, you can define the history cleanup settings.

You can enable the cleanup of the:

  • Staging data only. In this case:
    • The field values and related field history of the applicable workflows are deleted.
    • On the Workflows details page, in the Date cleaned at field, the cleanup date is entered.
  • Tracking details as well. In this case, the applicable workflows are deleted, including the tracking details.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates.
2. In the list, click the link of the desired data entry workflow template.
3. Click Edit.
4. You can enable history cleanup for the template. If enabled, staging data can be deleted for workflows that are based on the template.
  Select Yes in the Cleanup enabled field.
5. Define the period type in which the number of periods is expressed.
  In the Period field, select an option.
6. Define the number of periods to be considered for clean up.
Period = Week
Number of periods = 3
In this case, history older than three weeks is deleted.
  In the Number of periods field, enter a number.
7. In addition to the staging data cleanup, you can enable the cleanup of workflows, including the tracking details.
  Select Yes in the Clean up workflow tracking details field.
8. Close the page.


If you clean up data entry workflow history, only workflows with one of these statuses are considered:

  • Ended
  • Error
  • Cancelled

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