In D365 FO, the vendors setup has a complex data model and several related forms.

With the Configure data entry workflow template wizard, you can configure a data entry workflow template to set up vendors. You can use the wizard to configure an existing step.

You can split the vendor setup over several steps. For each step, you can use the wizard to configure the desired step field groups.

For example, split the vendor setup over these steps:

  • Create vendor: Used to enter the main data of a vendor.
  • Enter vendor addresses: Used to enter the address information of the vendor.
  • Enter vendor contacts: Used to enter the contact information of the vendor.


When you finish the wizard, based on your selections:

  • The workflow document is created or updated. Note: The workflow is created only the first time you use the wizard for a data entry workflow template.
    In the workflow document:
    • For each applicable table, a record is added.
    • To each record, all fields of the related table are added.
    • All required table relations and field relations are set up.
  • The selected field groups are added to the data entry workflow template. The field groups are added to the automatically created tab group of the configured step,
  • To each added field group, the main fields are added.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates.
2. In the list, click the link of the desired data entry workflow template.
3. Click Edit.
4. In the Workflow diagram section, select the desired data entry step.
5. Click Configure step.
6. Sub-task: Select template type.
  6.1 In the Template accelerator type field, select 'Vendor'.

Note: If you already used the wizard for the data entry workflow template, the wizard step to select a template type is skipped. If this case, the wizard is started in 'vendor' mode.

  6.2 Click Next.
7. Sub-task: Select the desired vendor setup elements.
  7.1 For a vendor data entry workflow template, add the main vendor setup fields to the first step.
  Select Yes in the Vendor main data field.


  • The first time you use the wizard for a vendor data entry workflow template, the Vendor main data must be included.
  • If you click Next, the Vendor main data page is added to the wizard.

  7.2 For a vendor data entry workflow template, you can add the address information fields to the desired step.
As a result, the Address field group is added to the data entry workflow template step.
  Select Yes in the Vendor address information field.

Note: If you click Next, the Vendor address information page is added to the wizard.

  7.3 For a vendor data entry workflow template, you can add the contact information fields to the desired step.
  Select Yes in the Vendor contact information field.

Note: If you click Next, the Vendor contact information page is added to the wizard.

  7.4 Click Next.
8. Sub-task: Select the desired vendor main data elements.
  8.1 Indicate if the data entry workflow is used to set up vendors of type Organization or Person.
In D365 FO, these types use a different set of tables. Only the applicable tables are added as records to the workflow document.
  In the Vendor template type field, select an option.
  8.2 You can add the vendor identification fields to the data entry workflow template step.
As a result, the Details field group is added to the data entry workflow template step.
  Select Yes in the Identification field.
  8.3 You can add the vendor credit information fields to the data entry workflow template step.
As a result, the Credit limit field group is added to the data entry workflow template step.
  Select Yes in the Credit information field.
  8.4 You can add the vendor tax information fields to the data entry workflow template step.
As a result, the Tax information field group is added to the data entry workflow template step.
  Select Yes in the Tax information field.
  8.5 Click Next.
9. Sub-task: Select the desired vendor address information elements.
  9.1 During data entry of address information, it can be needed to define the address purpose.
You can add the Purpose field to the data entry workflow template step.
  Select Yes in the Purpose field field.
  9.2 In the Available list, select the desired address elements for the data entry workflow template step.
  9.3 Click Add (->).
  9.4 Click Next.
10. Sub-task: Select the desired vendor contact information elements.
  10.1 The default display mode for the contact information fields is 'Grid'. In this case, the Contact information field group is added to the data entry workflow template step. On the workflow task dialog, you can enter several contact information lines in one grid.
You can choose to show the fields as individual fields on the workflow task dialog. In this case, for each contact type, a separate field group is added to the data entry workflow template. On the workflow task dialog, for each contact type, you can enter only one contact information line.
  Select Yes in the Individual fields field.

Note: If you choose to show individual fields, you can select the desired contact information fields.

  10.2 If you choose to show individual fields, you can add the Phone contact information fields to the data entry workflow step.
As a result, the 'Contact information - phone' field group is added to the data entry workflow template step.
  Select Yes in the Phone field.
  10.3 If you choose to show individual fields, you can add the Email contact information fields to the data entry workflow step.
As a result, the 'Contact information - email' field group is added to the data entry workflow template step.
  Select Yes in the Email field.
  10.4 If you choose to show individual fields, you can add the Fax contact information fields to the data entry workflow step.
As a result, the 'Contact information - fax' field group is added to the data entry workflow template step.
  Select Yes in the Fax field.
  10.5 During data entry of contact information, it can be needed to define the contact purpose.
You can add the Purpose field to the data entry workflow template step.
  Select Yes in the Purpose field field.
  10.6 Click Next.
11. Click Finish.


Where desired, you can modify the generated data entry workflow template setup. For example, you can:

  • Select step fields from the desired pages. Note: If you do so, in this case, the workflow document is not updated.
  • Add additional fields from the workflow document.
  • Add tab pages.
  • Move a field group to another tab page using the Cut and Paste options.
  • Set up conditions.

See also

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