Define the forms to which a data entry workflow template applies. As a result, you can start the data entry workflow from the defined forms

Buttons to start a data entry workflow

Depending on the dynamic menu form setup settings, these buttons are added to the form:

  • Create record: To add this button to the form, select the Creation check box. With this button, you can start a data entry workflow to create a record.
  • Edit record: To add this button to the form, select the Update check box. With this button, you can start a data entry workflow to edit a record.

If you click one of the Data entry workflow buttons, a dialog is opened on which you can select the desired template and start the data entry workflow.

Button style

Use the Style to define where and how the buttons are shown on the form:

  • New action pane tab: To the Action Pane, the 'Data entry workflow' tab is added as the first tab. This tab shows the buttons.
  • New button group: The buttons are shown on the task bar, next to the Delete button. 
  • Existing action pane tab: To an existing Action Pane tab, the 'Data entry workflow' field group is added. This field group shows the buttons. In this case, you must select the Action Pane tab to which the 'Data entry workflow' field group must be added. You can indicate next to which existing field group the 'Data entry workflow' is added. If you don't do so, the 'Data entry workflow' field group is added as the first field group of the Action Pane tab.

Pending workflow

For each dynamic menu form setup record, you can define if a data entry workflow can be used to edit records. To edit a record, you can start a data entry workflow only if no pending data entry workflow exists for the record.
On the applicable form, for a record, you can show if a pending data entry workflow exists. On the related dynamic menu form setup, you can define how to show if a record has a pending data entry workflow.

To show if a pending data entry workflow exists for a record, to the applicable form, you can add:

  • An indicator: Depending on the setup, the indicator can be the 'Has pending workflow' field or the  sign. If you add an indicator, you must also set up the Pending workflow indicator setup.
  • A fact box: To the Related information pane of the form, a Pending workflow fact box is added. If a pending data entry workflow exists for a record, this workflow is shown in the fact box.

Note: If you run a workflow in test mode, it is not shown as pending workflow.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Data entry workflow > Design > Data entry workflow templates.
2. In the list, find and select the desired data entry workflow template.
3. On the Action Pane, click General.
4. Click Dynamic menu form setup.
5. Click New.
6. Define the form to which the data entry workflow template applies.
  In the Form name field, enter or select a value.
7. The fields of a form can belong to different datasources. Define the datasource to which the data entry workflow template applies.
  In the Data source name field, enter or select a value.

Define the workflow document record that is related to the defined datasource.

You need the workflow document record if you want to use the data entry workflow template to:

  • Create records based on an existing record. So, the workflow document record is not needed to create a blank record.
  • Update existing records.
  In the Record ID field, enter or select a value.
9. You can use the data entry workflow template to create records on the form.
  Select the Creation check box.
10. You can use the data entry workflow template to edit records on the form.
  Select the Update check box.
11. In the Style field, select an option.
12. If the Style is Existing action pane tab, select the Action Pane tab to which the 'Data entry workflow' field group must be added.
  In the Action pane tab field, enter or select a value.
13. If the Style is Existing action pane tab, you can indicate next to which existing field group the 'Data entry workflow' field group is added. If you don't do so, the 'Data entry workflow' field group is added as the first field group of the Action Pane tab.
  In the After button group field, enter or select a value.
14. Sub-task: Set up pending workflow indication.
  14.1 To show if a pending data entry workflow exists for a record, to the applicable form, you can add an indicator.
  Select the Pending workflow indicator check box.

Note: If you add an indicator, also set up the Pending workflow indicator setup.

  14.2 To show if a pending data entry workflow exists for a record, to the applicable form, you can add a fact box.
  Select the Pending workflow form part check box.
  14.3 If you add an indicator, also set up the Pending workflow indicator setup.
  Click Pending workflow indicator setup.
  14.4 Click New.

Define the form control to which you want to add the indicator.

If you select a:

  • Grid control, the pending workflow indicator sign is shown on the applicable form.
  • Group control, the 'Has pending workflow' field is added to the applicable form.
  In the Form control field, enter or select a value.

Define where the pending workflow indicator is positioned in the selected form control.

To position it:

  • After a specific field, define that field.
  • As the first field in the form control, leave the After field control field empty.
  In the After control field, enter or select a value.
15. Close the page.


Several data entry workflow templates can have a dynamic menu form setup for the same form. You can only apply one style to a form. So, for each data entry workflow template, the same style is applied to the same form. For example, for a data entry workflow template, for a form, you change the style. This change is applied to all data entry workflow templates with a dynamic menu form setup for the same form.

You can view which data entry workflow templates have a dynamic menu form setup for a form. To do so, on the Dynamics menu form setup form, select a form record. In the Related information pane, open the Templates using the form setup Fact Box.

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