A workflow error can occur when data is transferred from the staging table to the target tables.

Data is transferred from the staging table to the target tables when:

  • A task is completed for which Transfer to target is enabled.
  • The last task of a workflow is completed.

Standard procedure

1. Click Data entry workflow management.
2. Click the Workflows with an error tab.
3. Sub-task: View workflow errors.
  3.1 You can view the errors that occurred on transfer of data from the staging table to the target tables.
The errors are shown in the message bar or in a message dialog.
  In the list, find and select the desired workflow.
  3.2 Click Show errors.
4. Sub-task: Restart workflow task where errors occurred.
  4.1 You can restart the task for which the error occurred. As a result, for the applicable users, the restarted task is added to the Open tasks assigned to me tab.
  In the list, find and select the desired record.
  4.2 Click Restart failed step.

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