Before you start using Data entry workflow, set up the Data entry workflow parameters.

Besides the general parameters, define parameters for:

  • Approvals
  • Change management
  • Number sequences

Standard procedure

1. Go to Data entry workflow > Setup > Data entry workflow parameters.
2. Sub-task: Set General parameters.
  2.1 For each step of a data entry workflow template, you can define the time limit.
Based on the applicable calendar and the defined time limit, the due date/time for related workflow tasks is calculated.
If no calendar is defined in Calendar field, a 24/7 calendar is applied. If you want to apply another calendar, you can define that calendar here.
  In the Calendar field, enter or select a value.
  2.2 For a started data entry workflow, the entered data is stored in a staging table.
For a workflow template step, you can indicate if data must be transferred from the staging table to the target table (Transfer to target field). Each workflow template step, results in a workflow task.
If for a workflow template step Transfer to target is Yes, and a related workflow task is completed, the data entered so far, is moved from the staging table to the target table.
To move the data from the staging table to the target tables, a service account is needed. This service account must have rights to write data to the applicable target tables.
  In the Service account field, enter or select a value.
3. Sub-task: Set Approval parameters.
  3.1 Click the Approvals tab.
  3.2 If you delegate a workflow approval task to another person, you can enter a note. The note is created as an attachment to the workflow task, using Document management.
  In the Delegate document type field, enter or select the document type for the delegate note attachment.
  3.3 If you reject a workflow approval task, you can enter a note. The note is created as an attachment to the workflow task, using Document management.
  In the Reject document type field, enter or select the document type for the reject note attachment.
4. Sub-task: Set change management parameters.
  4.1 Click the Version management tab.
  4.2 Enter a descriptive name of the current environment. Usually, the environment name is used.
This description is used on check in/out. So, in workflow template change management, a descriptive name is shown instead of the GUID that is shown in the Environment ID field.
  In the Description field, type a value.
  4.3 You can activate change management for workflow templates. If active, you can add workflow templates to change management. So, change management is only applicable to the workflow templates that you added to change management.
  Select Yes in the Active field.
  4.4 To access an Azure file share, the operator name is the name of the applicable Azure Storage Account.
  In the Operator name field, enter the user name to be used to access the Azure file share.
  4.5 To access an Azure file share, the password is the key of the applicable Azure Storage Account.
  In the Password field, enter the password to be used to access the Azure file share.
  4.6 In the Windows share field, enter the UNC path to the applicable Azure file share.
  4.7 If change management is active, define the folder where the change management files are stored. This is a folder in the file share as defined in the Windows share field.
Make sure, the folder exists in the file share.
  In the Shared path field, enter or select a value.

Note: For change management, to work properly, the file share and Shared path must be the same for all environments between which workflow templates must be synchronized.

5. Sub-task: Set Number sequences.
  5.1 Click the Number sequences tab.
  5.2 You can define a number sequence for data entry workflow templates. You can use a number sequence that allows manual entry of a workflow template identification.
  In the Number sequence code field, enter or select a value.
  5.3 You can define a number sequence for configurable labels. You can use a number sequence that allows manual entry of a configurable label identification.
  In the Number sequence code field, enter or select a value.
  5.4 Define a number sequence for data entry workflows. You cannot use a number sequence that allows manual entry of a workflow identification.
  In the Number sequence code field, enter or select a value.
6. Close the page.
Related to Notes

Set up Data entry workflow


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