Set up a connector of type ECS Azure file storage. Use this type to connect to your Azure file storage location. The connector creates the Environment comparison studio folders in the share that is defined in the Environment comparison studio parameters.  

On the Connector page, in the ECS connector details section, you can view the generated folder paths.  

The ECS Azure file storage connector creates: 

  • The environment-specific parent folder. This folder is created in the Share that is defined in the Environment comparison studio parameters. 

  • A folder for each legal entity in the environment. These folders are created in the environment-specific parent folder. 

  • A Work (ECSWorkFolder) folder for each legal entity. This folder is created in the legal entity folder. 

  • Archive, Error, Export, and Import folders. These folders are created in the Work (ECSWorkFolder) folder. 

Use the ECS Azure file storage connector to manage the paths and to place Environment comparison studio files in the applicable folders. 


Folder Description

The Archive folder of the connector. The folder is used to store used and imported XML files.

  • In Environment Comparison Studio, the XML files that you used for the content package creation will be moved to the Archive folder. 

  • In Connectivity Studio, the resulting XML file will be moved to the Archive folder when you import the file back into D365 F&O. 


The Error folder of the connector. Files are moved to this folder if, during import, errors occurred. 

Export Folder where export messages, with the ECS Azure file storage connector as target connector, store the generated XML files. These files are used to create ECS content packages. 

Folder where the import messages, with the ECS Azure file storage connector as source connector, get XML files to import into D365 FO.

The import message, with the ECS Azure file storage connector as source connector, gets the XML files from the Import folder. 


Standard procedure

1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design.
2. Click the Connectors tab.
3. Click New.
4. In the Connector field, type a value.

Note: You are advised to not include, in the connector name, the name of the application to which you connect. Use the Application field to define the applicable application for the connector.

5. In the Project field, enter or select a value.
6. In the Application field, enter or select a value.


  • You can only select an application that is defined for the applicable project. You can define project applications on the Projects page.
  • You can type any existing application name, whether it is defined as a project application or not. If the typed application is not defined as a project application, it is automatically added to the project applications.

7. In the Connector type field, select 'ECS Azure file storage'.
8. Click Save.
9. Close the page.

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