For outbound web service actions, you can use the data synchronization setup to define which records are processed.

Web service data synchronization only applies to outbound web service actions for which data synchronization is set up. If no data synchronization is set up, the web service action must be run in another way.
This topic explains how to use a date range to export only the records that are changed or added since the latest web service action run.
Make sure, the root record of the source document of the request message has a date/time field that indicates when the record is last changed, for example a 'modifiedDateTime' field. If you run the outbound web service action, all records that are found, based on the source document setup, are considered. For each found root record, the date/time is compared with the Latest run date/time of the outbound web service action. Only the records are exported with a date/time that is later than the latest run date/time of the outbound web service action.

Standard procedure

1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design.
2. Click the Web service tab.
3. In the list, click the link in the desired outbound web service action.
4. Expand the Setup for data synchronization section.
5. In the Synchronization type field, select 'Date range'.
6. Select the date/time field of the root record that is used for the date range. For example, a 'modifiedDateTime' field.
  In the Record field field, enter or select a value.

The latest time the web service action has run is updated automatically.

You can, for example:

  • Change the date to an earlier date to export earlier exported records again.
  • Remove the date to export all records.
  In the Last run field, enter a date and time.

By default, the latest run date/time of a web service action is stored globally. So, in whatever company the latest web service action run is done, this latest run date/time applies to all companies in your D365 FO environment.

If you run the same web service action in several companies, you can choose to store the latest run date/time per company. So, if you run the web service action, the company-specific latest run date/time is:

  • Used to define which records are exported for the company in which you run the web service action.
  • Updated only for the company in which you run the web service action.

If you run the same web service action in another company, the company-specific latest run date/time, as stored for that company, applies.

  Select Yes in the Store last run per company field.
9. Close the page.


To apply the 'Date range' data synchronization setup, select Yes in the Delta run field on the dialog to run a:

  • Web service action.
  • Project, if you run the web service action by running a project.

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