On export of data to an Azure Service Bus queue or topic a message is added to the Service Bus queue. Each message that is added to the Service Bus queue is logged in Connectivity studio.

You can monitor this data, for example, for troubleshooting purposes.
By default, only records with errors are shown. If on receipt of the Service Bus message an error occurs, the Service Bus moves the message to the related dead letter queue. If you get the dead letter queue data from the Service Bus, and the message exists in the 'Data sent to queue' table, its received status is set to 'Returned with error'.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Connectivity studio > Inquiries > Service Bus queue > Sent data.
2. By default, only sent messages with errors are shown.
  To show all sent messages, clear the Show errors check box.
3. You can view the data that is sent with a message.
  In the list, find and select the desired message, and in the Body section, view the sent data.
4. You can also monitor the related message history.
  On the Action Pane, click Operation.
5. Click History and monitor the message history.
6. Close the page.
7. Close the page.

See also

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