Run the IIS application deployment tool to install the web site.

Before you can run the deployment tool, download the file.

Standard procedure

1. Extract the downloaded file to a temporary location.

Note: Do not extract it to the physical path of the created web site.

2. If you used another name for the web site than the default BisConnectivity name, change the name accordingly in the BisConnectivityServices.SetParameters.xml file.
  Edit the BisConnectivityServices.SetParameters.xml and replace BisConnectivity with the web site name.
3. Before installing the web site, run a test installation
  Run the Command Prompt as administrator.

Note: This command does not change the web site, but gives an impression of the installation results.

4. In the Command Prompt, navigate to the location to which you extracted the file.
5. Run this command: BisConnectivityServices.deploy.cmd /T
6. If the simulation results are satisfactory, you can actually install the web site.
  In the Command Prompt, run this command: BisConnectivityServices.deploy.cmd /Y

Note: As a result, the files are installed in the physical path of the web site. Also, the required permissions are set.

7. Check the results of the web site installation.
  Open the physical path of the web site.
8. Change the authentication settings of the web site:
  Open the web site authentication and enable these authentications: ASP.NET Impersonation and Windows Authentication.


You can rerun the deployment tool. If you do so:

  • Make sure that the web site name, as defined in the BisConnectivityServices.SetParameters.xml file is the same as the current web site name.
  • The deployment tool overwrites any changes you made.
  • The IIS application configuration is cleared. So, you must again configure the IIS application.

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