If you need a type conversion and it does not already exist, you must set it up.

You can use a type conversion to convert the data to match the format as required in the target. With a type conversion, you can convert values from any type to string or from string to any type. Usually, the string value is the external value. Note: Type conversions from any type to any type are not supported. For example, a conversion of type integer to type date is not possible.

You can use these conversion types:


Conversion type



Define the format in which a text is imported or exported. You can, for example, replace or remove characters, or use one element of the text.


Define the format in which an amount is imported or exported. You can, for example, define separators and unit conversion.


Define the format in which a date is imported or exported. You can, for example, define the sequence and separator.


Define the format in which an enum value is imported or exported. You can, for example, define that the enum value is imported or exported as text.


Define the format in which times are imported or exported. You can define the format and the separators to be used.


Define in which format a date and time field value is imported or exported. This type combines the Date and Time types.

Date/time format

Define in a flexible way the format in which a date and time field value is imported or exported. You can also include a time zone. Note: The format is case sensitive. For example, the lowercase 'm' is the identifier for minute, and the uppercase 'M' is the identifier for month. Example: dd-MM-yyyy. For more information on how to set up the date/time format, refer to Custom date and time format settings.

Standard procedure

1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design.
2. Click Type conversions.
3. Click New.
4. In the Type conversions field, type a value.
5. In the Project field, enter or select a value.
6. Define the applicable application for the type conversion.
  In the Application field, enter or select a value.

Note: You can only select an application that is defined for the applicable project. You can define project applications on the Projects page.

7. In the Conversion type field, select an option.
8. Sub-task: Define text conversion settings.
  8.1 If the conversion type is Text, fill in the text conversion options.
You can choose to convert the data to all lower case or all upper case.
If None, the data is handled as is.
  In the Text case options field, select an option.
  8.2 If data comes with spaces at the left or right, you can choose to delete these:
- No: No spaces are deleted.
- Yes: Spaces are deleted both at the left and at the right.
- Left: only spaces at the left are deleted.
- Right: only spaces at the right are deleted.
  In the Trim options field, select an option.
  8.3 You can have specific characters removed. All entered characters are removed from the field value.
Example: The field value is 'Sample value' and Remove is 'Sam'. The result is: 'ple vlue'.
  In the Remove field, type a value.
  8.4 You can replace the characters, as defined in the Remove field, with other characters. In this case, it does take the Remove characters as a string and not as separate characters.
Example: The field value is 'Sample value', Remove is 'Sam', and Replace is 'ap'. The result is: 'apple value'.
  In the Replace field, type a value.
  8.5 You can choose to keep specific characters. For example, you keep only numbers and delete spaces or other special characters.
  In the Keep field, type a value.
  8.6 You can choose to add a prefix to the field value.
  In the Prefix field, type a value.
  8.7 You can choose to add a suffix to the field value.
  In the Suffix field, type a value.
  8.8 You can choose to add or delete special characters to or from the field value:
- Add escape codes: Replaces '/t' (tab), '/n' (new line), and '/r' (return) with the relevant ANSI code. Usually, this is used for exports.
- Remove: Removes the ANSI codes for tab, new line, and return. Usually, this is used for imports.
- Remove escape codes: Replaces the ANSI codes for tab, new line, and return with '/t', '/n', '/r'. Usually, this is used for imports.
- Remove carriage return: Removes the ANSI codes for return. Usually, this is used for imports.
  In the Control characters field, select an option.
  8.9 You can remove diacritics from a text.
  Select Yes in the Remove diacritics field.

Note: The diacritics are removed after the text is trimmed and before the text case conversion is done.

  8.10 You can choose to only use a part of the field value string.
Example: If you want to only use a sub-string of ten characters of the field value, enter a length of '10'.
  In the Length field, enter a number.

Note: If you define a length, also define the start position.

  8.11 Define on which position of the field value to start taking the sub-string as defined in the Length field.
Example: You only want to use a sub-string of 10 characters, starting at the fifth position of the field value. The field value is 'Sample value', the Length is '10', and the Start position is '5'. The result is: 'le value'.
  In the Start position field, enter a number.
  8.12 You can split an input text string in several elements and only use one of the elements for further processing.
You can only split an input string if it contains separators.
For example, the string is: Customer|C01234|Wholesale. As a separator, use '|'.
  In the Separator field, define the separator based on which the string is split into several elements.

Note: If you define a separator, you must also fill in the 'Element number' field.

  8.13 If you define a split string separator, you must also define which element of the split string you want to use for further processing.
For example, the string is: Customer|C01234|Wholesale. For further processing, you only need the second element 'C01234'. In the Element number field, enter '2'.
  In the Element number field, enter the number of the desired element of the split string.

- If the defined element number is higher than the number of elements after the string is split, an empty string is used for further processing.
- The string is split after the sub-string settings are applied.

9. Sub-task: Define amount conversion settings.
  9.1 If the conversion type is Amount, fill in the amount conversion options.
Define the number of decimals for the amount.
  In the Decimals field, enter a number.
  9.2 Define how the decimals are separated.
  In the Decimal separator field, select an option.
  9.3 Define how the thousands are separated.
  In the Thousands separator field, select an option.
  9.4 You can convert the amount form the source unit to another unit.
To do so, fill in both the From unit and the To unit.
  In the From unit field, enter or select a value.
  9.5 You can convert the amount form the source unit to another unit.
To do so, fill in both the From unit and the To unit.
  In the To unit field, enter or select a value.
  9.6 You can choose to make an amount absolute.
  Select Yes in the Absolute field.
  9.7 You can define how to round an amount.
  In the Rounding form field, select an option.
10. Sub-task: Define date conversion settings.
  10.1 If the conversion type is Date, fill in the date conversion options.
You can define in which sequence the day, month and year are shown in the field value.
  In the Sequence field, select an option.

- Auto is not the preferred option, because it uses the settings from the current D365 FO environment. If you have several servers with own settings, Auto is not predictable.
- If the Date format doesn't fit your needs, consider using the Date/time format.

  10.2 You can define the number of digits in which the year is expressed in the date.
  In the Year/date format field, select an option.
  10.3 You can define how the month is expressed in the date.
  In the Month format field, select an option.
  10.4 You can define the number of digits in which the day is expressed in the date.
  In the Day format field, select an option.
  10.5 You can define how the day, month, and year are separated in the date.
  In the Separator field, select an option.
11. Sub-task: Define enum conversion settings.
  11.1 If the conversion type is Enum, fill in the enum conversion options.
You can define the applicable enum which enum values are used in the conversion.
  In the Enum name field, enter or select a value.
  11.2 You can define how an enum value is used in the conversion:
- Auto: The conversion automatically chooses the applicable format based on the source field value.
- Text: The text of the enum value label is used. Note: This gives the label text in the language of the current D365 FO environment.
- Value: the number of the enum value is used.
- Name: the code name of the enum value is used.
  In the Format field, select an option.
12. Sub-task: Define time conversion settings.
  12.1 If the conversion type is Time, fill in the time conversion options.
You can choose which time format is applied to the time value.
  In the Time format field, select an option.
  12.2 You can define how the hour, minutes, and seconds are separated in the time.
  In the Time separator field, select an option.
13. Sub-task: Define UTC date time conversion settings.
  13.1 If the conversion type is UTC date time, fill in the UTC date time conversion options.
You can define how the hour, minutes, and seconds are separated in the time.
  In the Time separator field, select an option.
  13.2 You can choose which time format is applied to the time value.
  In the Time format field, select an option.
  13.3 You can define in which sequence the day, month and year are shown in the field value.
  In the Sequence field, select an option.
  13.4 You can define the number of digits in which the year is expressed.
  In the Year/date format field, select an option.
  13.5 You can define how the month is expressed.
  In the Month format field, select an option.
  13.6 You can define the number of digits in which the day is expressed
  In the Day format field, select an option.
  13.7 You can define how the day, month, and year are separated.
  In the Separator field, select an option.
14. Sub-task: Define date/time format conversion settings.
  14.1 If the conversion type is Date/time format, fill in the date/time format conversion options.
Enter the applicable date and time format. Use the custom date and format specifiers.
  In the Format field, type a value.
  14.2 You can include a time zone in the date/time format.
  In the Time zone field, select an option.
15. Close the page.


  • You can the Sample value to test a type conversion. To do so, define the settings, click Save, open the bottom section, and review the sample value.
  • You can change the type of an existing type conversion. If you do so, also define the applicable settings.

Related to Notes

Define type conversion


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