Sometimes, you want to skip a field mapping when running a message. You can use conditions to indicate if the field mapping must be applied. The field mapping is only applied if the conditions are met. You can set up several conditions for each field mapping.

Examples of values that you can use to define a condition:
  • ..Item1 - Item1 and smaller
  • Item1.. - Item1 and greater
  • Item1,item5..item10 - Item1 or item5 till item10
  • Item1,item2 - Item1 or item2
  • !123 - Not 123
  • “” - Empty
  • !”” - Not empty
  • curExt() - Used to apply a condition with the current company

Standard procedure

1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design.
2. On the Message tab, in the list, find and select the desired message.
3. Click Edit.
4. In the Mapping section, in the Target record list, find and select the desired record.
5. On the Mapping tab, on the Field mapping tab, in the list, find and select the desired field mapping.
6. In the Use condition field, select 'Yes'.
7. Click the Field condition tab.
8. Define if the condition is based on a field in the source document or the target document.
  In the Record origin field, select an option.
9. Define the document record of the field on which the condition is based.
  In the Source field, enter or select a value.
10. Define the document record field on which the condition is based.
  In the Field field, enter or select a value.
11. Define the condition value.
  In the Value field, type a value.
12. Sub-task: Set additional conditions.
  12.1 Usually, you use only one condition which is defined in the fields above the grid. You can, however, define additional conditions. Enter the additional conditions in the grid.
  Click New.
  12.2 Define if the condition is based on a field in the source document or the target document.
  In the Record origin field, select an option.
  12.3 Define the document record of the field on which the condition is based.
  In the Record field, enter or select a value.
  12.4 Define the document record field on which the condition is based.
  In the Record field field, enter or select a value.
  12.5 Define the condition value.
  In the Value field, type a value.
13. Close the page.


Applying conditions can influence the message performance. So, only apply a condition if required and keep it as simple as possible.

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