For a message, you can record the record mapping and field mapping based on an external document. When recording, you map fields of the external document to form fields in D365 FO.
Before you record a form mapping, set up a message with both an:
  • External document. This document must be fully set up, with all applicable records and fields defined.
  • Internal document. For this document, only the document header is required. So, it does not have records and record fields defined.

Standard procedure

1. Click Connectivity studio Integration Design.
2. On the Message tab, in the list, find and select the desired message.
3. Click Edit.
4. On the ActionPane, on the Design tab, in the Form mapping group, click Start recording.
5. On the Form mapping dialog, in the Document records section, the records of the external document are shown. Select the record which fields you want to map to D365 FO form fields.
  In the tree, select 'the desired record'.

Note: If the external document is the:
- Source document, the source document records are shown.
- Target document, the target document records are shown.

6. Before you proceed, open the D365 FO form that is related to the selected external document record.
For example, if an external document record is a sales order, open the All sales orders form.
  Go to All sales orders.
7. In the Unmapped section, the not-yet-mapped fields of the selected document record are shown.
  In the list, find and select the field to be mapped to a D365 FO form field.
8. On the open form, the fields that you can map are highlighted with a box that has a plus (+) sign.
  On the open form, click the plus (+) of the field to be mapped to the selected unmapped field.

Note: - As a result, the external record field is moved to the Mapped fields section.
- Repeat these steps till you have mapped each desired field for each record of the external document.

9. When you have finished recording the form field mapping, stop the recording.
As a result, the recorded mapping is stored in the form mapping of the message.
  Click Stop recording.

Note: Close the Form mapping dialog.


You can only do a form mapping recording once. So, make sure to map all desired fields in one recording session.

Related to Notes

Use form mapping


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