You can organize the business document records in these ways:
1. | Click Connectivity studio Integration Design. |
2. | Click the Documents tab. |
3. | In the list, find and select the desired document. |
4. | Click Edit. |
5. | Sub-task: Change sequence. |
5.1 | In the Record section, in the list, find and select the desired record. |
5.2 | Click Move down. |
5.3 | In the Record section, in the list, find and select the desired record. |
5.4 | Click Move up. |
6. | Sub-task: Define or change parent. |
6.1 | In the Record section, in the list, find and select the desired record. |
6.2 | Use the parent record to define a record structure with parent-child relations. |
  | In the Parent record field, enter or select a value. |
7. | Close the page. |