Install the BIS Azure Service Bus as Windows service on the external on-premises server.

To install the BIS Azure Service Bus, first download the BIS Azure Service file.

Standard procedure

1. Open the on-premises server.
2. In 'C:\Program Files\', create a folder named 'BIS Azure Service Bus'.
3. Extract the 'BIS Azure Service' file and copy the files to the 'C:\Program Files\BIS Azure Service Bus' folder.
  File imageC5983FA6-5AE1-44D0-A054-77493225A328
4. Open the 'BIS.Azure.ServiceBus.WindowsService.exe.config' file with a text editor and replace:
  • [YOUR SERVICE BUS NAMESPACE] with the primary connection string of the Azure Service Bus namespace. Example: Your service bus endpoint is: "Endpoint=sb://". In this endpoint, the primary connection string is "myservicebusname". Use this to replace [YOUR SERVICE BUS NAMESPACE].
  • [YOUR PRIMARY KEY] with the primary key of the Azure Service Bus namespace.
  File image07110D25-950C-440D-9D3E-E1E33EDE9F95
5. To install the BIS Azure Service Bus Windows service, run the 'installService.cmd' file from the Command Prompt.
6. Open the installed service in Computer Management.
  Open Computer Management, in the navigation pane, click Services, and open 'Business Integration Solutions - Azure Service bus Connector'.
7. On the Log On tab, fill in a service account with access to the on-premises database and the relevant password.
8. Click OK


Errors and warnings for the BIS Azure Service Bus Windows service are logged in the Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Application event log of the on-premises server.

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