1. | Go to EDI > Common > EDI sales order. |
2. | In the list, find the desired EDI sales order with journal status Rejected and click the link. |
3. | Click Edit. |
4. | Sub-task: Solve line validation errors. |
4.1 | In the Lines section, in the list, select a line with errors. |
4.2 | In the Lines section, click Validation errors and review the errors for the selected line. |
4.3 | Close the page. |
4.4 | To solve an error, make the appropriate changes to the line or line details. If an error cannot be solved, you can cancel the line. As a result, if the EDI sales order is again validated, this line is skipped. |
  | In the Lines section, in the Status field, select 'Canceled'. |
Note: If an error is caused by setup, you can solve the error in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. |
5. | Sub-task: Solve address validation errors. |
5.1 | In the Lines or header field, enter 'Header'. |
5.2 | In the Addresses section, in the list, select the desired address. |
5.3 | In the Addresses section, click Validation errors and review the errors for the selected address. |
5.4 | Close the page. |
5.5 | To solve an error, make the appropriate changes to the address. If an error cannot be solved, you can cancel the address. As a result, if the EDI sales order is again validated, this address is skipped. |
  | In the Addresses section, in the Status field, select 'Canceled'. |
Note: If an error is caused by setup, you can solve the error in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. |
6. | Sub-task: Solve header validation errors. |
6.1 | On the Action pane, on the EDI order tab, click Validation errors and review the errors for the EDI sales order header. |
Note: In this validation errors overview, all validation errors and warnings of the EDI sales order are shown. Only the ones for the 'EDI sales order' table apply to the header. |
6.2 | Close the page. |
6.3 | To solve an error, make the appropriate changes to the header. You can do so in the General section and the Order information section. |
  | Expand the Order information section. |
Note: If an error is caused by setup, you can solve the error in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. |
6.4 | If errors cannot be solved, you can cancel the EDI sales order. As a result, the EDI sales order is not considered anymore in validation and processing. |
  | On the Action pane, on the EDI order tab, in the Actions group, click Cancel. |
7. | Close the page. |
8. | Close the page. |