If you have finished the design of your tests, you can start the execution and monitoring of the actual tests.

In the execution and monitoring phase, you:
  • Compose test suites and test plans to define what is tested when.
  • Run the test plans and, if needed, test suites.
  • Monitor the test results.

Tester Tester Start Start Set up test execution

Set up test execution

Usually, you run tests according to a test plan. Use test plans to group test suites. So, these test suites can be run in one go. You can run a test plan according to a schedule.

Use test suites to group test cases for an application. So, these test case can be run in one go.

Run tests

Run tests

Usually, you run tests according to a test plan. If needed, you can also run test suites.

A test plan can have test suites from several applications. A test suite can have test cases from but one application.
Each time you run a test, a test run is created. All elements of the test plan or test suite that you run are added to the test run.
You run a test plan. As a result:
  • Each of its test suites is run.
  • For each of these test suites, also the defined test cases are run.
  • For each of these test cases, also the defined test scenarios are run.

Monitor test results

Monitor test results

Each time you run a test, a test run is created. You can run tests for these entities:

  • Test scenario
  • Test case
  • Test suite
  • Test plan
All elements of the test entity that you run are added to the test run. For example, if you run a test suite, each of its test cases is run. And for each test case in the test suite also the test scenarios are run. So, the resulting test run has all test cases and all the related test scenarios covered.
Use the test runs to analyze the results of the tests.

End End


Name Responsible Description

Set up test execution


Usually, you run tests according to a test plan. Use test plans to group test suites. So, these test suites can be run in one go. You can run a test plan according to a schedule.

Use test suites to group test cases for an application. So, these test case can be run in one go.

Run tests


Usually, you run tests according to a test plan. If needed, you can also run test suites.
A test plan can have test suites from several applications. A test suite can have test cases from but one application.
Each time you run a test, a test run is created. All elements of the test plan or test suite that you run are added to the test run.
You run a test plan. As a result:
  • Each of its test suites is run.
  • For each of these test suites, also the defined test cases are run.
  • For each of these test cases, also the defined test scenarios are run.

Monitor test results


Each time you run a test, a test run is created. You can run tests for these entities:
  • Test scenario
  • Test case
  • Test suite
  • Test plan
All elements of the test entity that you run are added to the test run. For example, if you run a test suite, each of its test cases is run. And for each test case in the test suite also the test scenarios are run. So, the resulting test run has all test cases and all the related test scenarios covered.
Use the test runs to analyze the results of the tests.


Name Responsible Description

Set up test execution


Usually, you run tests according to a test plan. Use test plans to group test suites. So, these test suites can be run in one go. You can run a test plan according to a schedule.

Use test suites to group test cases for an application. So, these test case can be run in one go.

Run tests


Usually, you run tests according to a test plan. If needed, you can also run test suites.
A test plan can have test suites from several applications. A test suite can have test cases from but one application.
Each time you run a test, a test run is created. All elements of the test plan or test suite that you run are added to the test run.
You run a test plan. As a result:
  • Each of its test suites is run.
  • For each of these test suites, also the defined test cases are run.
  • For each of these test cases, also the defined test scenarios are run.

Monitor test results


Each time you run a test, a test run is created. You can run tests for these entities:
  • Test scenario
  • Test case
  • Test suite
  • Test plan
All elements of the test entity that you run are added to the test run. For example, if you run a test suite, each of its test cases is run. And for each test case in the test suite also the test scenarios are run. So, the resulting test run has all test cases and all the related test scenarios covered.
Use the test runs to analyze the results of the tests.
Related to Notes

Monitor tests


Provide feedback