You can use form control templates to quicker design a form with predefined form controls.

Usually, a form control template is created from an existing form control or it is imported from another environment.

Designer Designer Start Start How to create a  form control template? How to create a  form control template? Add existing form control to templates Add existing form control to templates You can use form control templates to quicker design a form.If you have designed a form control that you want to use on other forms as well, you can save it as a form control template.All settings of the form control are copied to the template:Control propertiesDevice-specific control layoutDocumentationControl-type-specific setup. For example, if the control type is Configurable grid, the grid configuration is also copied to the template.A form control is application specific and a form control template is generic. These application-specific elements, if used on the original form control, are copied to the form control template:Labels: Template labels are shown on the Labels tab.Variables: Template variables are shown on the Variables tab.Queries: To view a template query, in the Query field click the link.Additionally, for each form control template, you define the:Name and descriptionDefault styling: the default styling is used for the template preview.For form controls with an event procedure, you can indicate if the event procedure also must be copied to the template. Procedure 1. Click Mobility design. 2. Click the Forms tab. 3. In the list, find and select the desired record. 4. Click Edit. 5. On the preview, click the desired control. Note: If the control list is shown instead of the preview, in the list, find and select the desired control. 6. Click Add as template. 7. In the Template field, type a value. 8. In the Description field, type a value. 9. The default control property settings come from the selected form control. If for the template a change is required, you can do it here. 10. The default styling settings come from the selected form control. These are the styling settings for the selected device for the preview. If for the template a change is required, you can do it here. 11. Click Create. 12. Close the page. Import form control templates from another environment

Exchange configurations

You can export or import a configuration with an XML file.

You can monitor the export and import history.

Are changes required to  form control templates? Are changes required to  form control templates? Maintain form control templates Maintain form control templates You can use form control templates to quicker design a form.Usually, a form control template is created from an existing form control or it is imported from another environment.You can check these form control templates and make changes, if required. Procedure 1. Click Mobility design. 2. Click Templates. 3. Click Label. 4. In the list, click the link of the form control template that you want to edit. 5. On the General tab, you can maintain generic settings of the template 6. Click the Control tab. 7. Click the Variables tab. 8. Click the Labels tab. 9. Click the Preview tab. 10. Close the page. 11. Close the page. Use form control template to add form control Use form control template to add form control You can use form control templates to quicker design a form.You can add form control templates to a form:When you create a form with the Create form wizard.Manually.This topic explains how to manually add a form control template to a form.In general, if you add a form control template to a form, it is positioned after the last control on the form. Where the control is exactly positioned, depends on the Append new line property of the last control on the form:Yes: the template control is added below the last control.No: the template control is added to the right of the last control.An exception are button templates for which the Stick to footer property is set to Yes. These are always positioned at the footer of the form. Procedure 1. Click Mobility design. 2. Click the Forms tab. 3. In the list, find and select the desired record. 4. Click Edit. 5. Click the Templates tab. 6. Click Label. 7. In the list, find and select the desired record. 8. Click Select. 9. On the preview, click the control that you have added. 10. Click the Properties tab. 11. Close the page. Notes You can use the Up and Down buttons on the Properties tab to move a form control to another position on the form. End End From existing  form control Import from other  environment Yes No


Name Responsible Description

Add existing form control to templates


You can use form control templates to quicker design a form.
If you have designed a form control that you want to use on other forms as well, you can save it as a form control template.
All settings of the form control are copied to the template:
  • Control properties
  • Device-specific control layout
  • Documentation
  • Control-type-specific setup. For example, if the control type is Configurable grid, the grid configuration is also copied to the template.
A form control is application specific and a form control template is generic. These application-specific elements, if used on the original form control, are copied to the form control template:
  • Labels: Template labels are shown on the Labels tab.
  • Variables: Template variables are shown on the Variables tab.
  • Queries: To view a template query, in the Query field click the link.
Additionally, for each form control template, you define the:
  • Name and description
  • Default styling: the default styling is used for the template preview.
For form controls with an event procedure, you can indicate if the event procedure also must be copied to the template.

Import form control templates from another environment


You can export or import a configuration with an XML file.
You can monitor the export and import history.

Maintain form control templates


You can use form control templates to quicker design a form.
Usually, a form control template is created from an existing form control or it is imported from another environment.
You can check these form control templates and make changes, if required.

Use form control template to add form control


You can use form control templates to quicker design a form.
You can add form control templates to a form:
  • When you create a form with the Create form wizard.
  • Manually.
This topic explains how to manually add a form control template to a form.
In general, if you add a form control template to a form, it is positioned after the last control on the form. Where the control is exactly positioned, depends on the Append new line property of the last control on the form:
  • Yes: the template control is added below the last control.
  • No: the template control is added to the right of the last control.
An exception are button templates for which the Stick to footer property is set to Yes. These are always positioned at the footer of the form.

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