You can use the daily timesheet to report hours daily. You can also report, for each line in the timesheet, the related:

  • Equipment usage
  • Item consumption
  • Expenses

Standard procedure

1. Go to Project management and accounting > Journals > Timesheet management > Daily timesheet entry.
2. Click New.
3. Click OK.
4. Click New.
5. In the Project ID field, enter or select a value.
6. In the Activity number field, enter or select a value.
7. In the Hours field, enter a number.
8. Expand the Equipment section.
9. Click New.
10. In the Project ID field, enter or select a value.
11. In the Activity number field, enter or select a value.
12. In the Equipment field, enter or select a value.
13. In the Quantity field, enter a number.
14. Expand the Item section.
15. Click New.
16. In the Project ID field, enter or select a value.
17. In the Activity number field, enter or select a value.
18. In the Item number field, enter or select a value.
19. In the Category field, enter or select a value.
20. In the Quantity field, enter a number.
21. Expand the Expense section.
22. Click New.
23. Click New.
24. In the Project ID field, enter or select a value.
25. In the Activity number field, enter or select a value.
26. In the Category field, enter or select a value.
27. In the Description field, type a value.
28. In the Quantity field, enter a number.
29. In the Cost price field, enter a number.
30. Click Save.
Related to Notes

Report hours


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