If a customer has confirmed a project change order, you can transfer it to a project.

As a result:

  • The existing project forecasts are updated with the changes from the project change order.
  • The pending changes, as created in the Change order forecast model, are transferred to the Forecast model for archived changes. And because, only changes to existing activities of existing projects are shown as pending changes in the forecasts, also only these changes are moved to the Forecast model for archived changes. So, new (sub-)projects or new activities, as added in the project change order work breakdown structure, are not shown as pending changes in the forecasts, and therefore also not transferred to the Forecast model for archived changes.
  • If you stopped a task in the project change order work breakdown structure, the related task in the project work breakdown structure is not deleted. Only the related estimates costs and revenue lines are deleted.
  • If you stopped an estimated cost and revenue line in a project change order work breakdown structure, the related estimated cost and revenue line is also deleted in the project work breakdown structure.
  • New (sub-)projects, tasks, and estimated costs and revenue lines are added to the project work breakdown structure.

Standard procedure

1. Go to Project management and accounting > Project change orders > All project change orders.
2. In the list, click the link in the selected row.
3. On the Action Pane, click Follow up.
4. Click Transfer to project.
5. Click Yes.
6. Click the form caption.
7. Close the page.

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