Before you start a project, you can create, print, and post a so-called zero progress bill. You can create a zero progress bill once before a regular progress bill is created.

You can use the zero progress bill as an official statement at the start of a project to communicate the work breakdown structure, quantities, and prices.

Zero progress bill characteristics:

  • A special journal is used for the zero progress bill. This journal is different from the regular progress bill journal. For the journal name, the 'Zero progress bill' check box is selected.
  • Print a zero progress bill before you create and post a regular progress bill.


Standard procedure

1. Go to Project management and accounting > Projects > All projects.
2. In the list, find and select the desired record.
3. Click Progress bills.
4. Click New.
5. Select the journal name for zero progress bills.
  In the Progress bill journal name field, enter or select a value.
6. In the Invoice date field, enter a date.
7. Click OK.
8. Close the page.
9. Click Progress bill report.
10. Click OK.
11. Close the page.
12. Close the page.
13. Close the page.
14. Go to Default dashboard.
Related to Notes

Use progress billing


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